Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Greyhound Traceability

Under the publication of the Draft Greyhound Industry Bill 2018,
The Irish Greyhound Board(soon to be named Greyhound Racing Ireland)
'may make regulations for the...traceability of greyhounds' through
'prescribing the life events[of greyhounds]which are to be notified'.
Life events such as birth, sale, death, loss, export, injury, doping/racing sanctions, breeding:
Such publications of traceability has been called for for many, many years.
The IGB could now take this time to make such regulations to show full,
and transparent, traceability recordings for each greyhound registered -
and should make such recordings publicly accessible.

Currently the IGB show on their website, for each greyhound, date of birth, the owner(often incorrect, and an offence under the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011 - transfer of ownership regs), trainer(if applicable), Dam and Sire, pedigree, litters(if applicable), totals of prize money, and race results.

IGS highlights here just a few greyhounds, from the hundreds we have researched over the years, as examples of the notification of life events of Irish greyhounds -
that the IGB may make regulations for,
as proposed under the Draft Greyhound Industry Bill 2018.

This is just a tiny insight into the traceability of the
thousands of greyhounds bred and used.
Just between 2010 and 2017 at least 134,772 greyhounds were bred
for the greyhound industry -
for those same years 3,345 greyhounds were surrendered to Irish dog pounds,
  2,729 of them were destroyed in those pounds.

  Too few find homes - the question keeps being asked
 'what happens to them all?'

This industry of mass breeding is funded by the Irish Government - 
€115,600,000 from 2010 to 2018
(plus an extra €23m from the Government for the purchase of Harrolds Cross -
 to help the IGB wipe their debt of €23m).