Tuesday, 8 May 2018

From Riches to Rags

Bred from a champion greyhound, then bred with a champion greyhound,
then dumped at the dog pound.
Every greyhound - indeed every dog - who
ends up in a dog pound has a story.
IGS highlights another greyhound who fell from grace.
Hopefully her story will help to highlight the plight of
dogs in pounds - they are more than just pound dogs.

Racing and Coursing photographer/greyhound breeder and owner, Yvonne Harrington - a darling of the greyhound industry - received an award in 2013, at The Retired Greyhound Show in Dublin - a series of shows from the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust
Yvonne Harrington, aka Helen Kiely, visited the IGS Facebook Page in 2015 to share one of her IRGT show videos with us - although she didn't reply to our comment about the greyhound who won the 'Golden Oldie Bitch' in her video still being registered as owned by Nicholas Colton - a greyhound owner with a history on greyhound doping.

In 2013, after taking nearly two years to come into season, following a bad injury, Yvonne Harrington's greyhound, 'Tarsna Sal', was mated with the 2012 Irish Derby-winning greyhound 'Skywalker Puma'.
In 2015 'Tarsna Sal' was used for breeding again, with champion greyhound 'Ballymac Eske', giving birth to a litter five of pups, one of those pups was named 'IMOKRYOU'. The breeder registered in the Stud Book for the whole litter is Yvonne Harrington's partner, Geoff Parnaby.
IMOKRYOU continues to be registered as being owned by a syndicate, whilst two of her siblings are registered as being owned by Geoff Parnaby, the other two siblings registered for racing in the UK.

IMOKRYOU fell from grace less than two and a half years after her birth.

IMOKRYOU was never used for racing, but she did give birth to a litter of pups in December 2017, sired by the Irish Derby-winning Skywalker Puma - the same greyhound her mother had been mated with in 2013
After raising her litter, IMOKRYOU ended up in a dog pound in April 2018, underweight, with a poor coat and a bad wrist injury - she was of no further use to the racing industry.
In that same time, April 2018, Yvonne Harrington publicly stated how sad she was to 'keep coming across the most horrendous stories of people being cruel to their pets.....rehome your pets if you don't want them[sad-tear-face]'.

There is something especially profound in a greyhound
 being named 'IMOKRYOU' having to be
 rescued from being destroyed in a dog pound.
Now IMOKRYOU will be OK.

IGS suspects Yvonne Harrington would defend herself by saying something like: not knowing the fate of one of the daughters of her greyhound. But if she can publicly state to 'keep coming across the most horrendous stories of people being cruel to their pets.....rehome your pets if you don't want them[sad-tear-face]' then she should make it her business to follow the fates of all the greyhounds she has had a responsibility for, especially through breeding - and especially when accepting an award at an Irish Retired Greyhound Trust show.

 From the 3,345 greyhounds who entered  
Dog Pounds in Ireland, for the years 2010 to 2017,
2,729 of them were destroyed.

UPDATE - July 2018
Geoff Parnaby is no longer registered as owner of any of IMOKRYOU's siblings.