Of course it is nothing new that those involved in the greyhound industry lie
and/or give false information.
But while the public can easily just get used to it,
greyhounds continue to suffer.
But while the public can easily just get used to it,
greyhounds continue to suffer.
Following the RTE investigation into the killings, over breeding and traceability of greyhounds in Ireland, the public reaction was justified - but greyhound breeder Sean Bourke wanted to reassure the public in his radio interview that all was well and above board in the industry.
Sean Bourke stated that Irish greyhounds sent to the UK retire and stay there, going on to say 'when the dog is sent from Ireland to England, they're registered over there - that's their[GBGB's]problem'
Sean Bourke lied to the public.
Greyhound Bellside Bar - listed on the Irish Greyhound Board website shown to be used for racing in England and registered in the Irish Coursing Club Stud Book as being owned by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain.
Bellside Bar last raced on the 6th August 2016 in England and last trialled on 29th October 2016 in England. Yet just a few weeks later, on 9th December 2016, Bellside Bar was on a ferry from Ireland to Cherbourg to be driven on to Spain.
Two and a half years later in, June 2019, Bellside Bar would start his new life as Patrick - a new life where he could find safety and begin to recover from his journey of abuse.
Irish greyhound trainer, Tommy Bolton, another one of those respected trainers within the industry, has a favourite quote:
'A good dog is a dog who pays its way!' No doubt a quote he has handed down to his daughter, greyhound trainer/model Margaret Bolton - greyhound Maxhunter was certainly made to pay its way regularly and not given much time to recover from amputation. Tommy Bolton wanted to reassure that Maxhunter would be retired - Tommy Bolton lied.
'A good dog is a dog who pays its way!' No doubt a quote he has handed down to his daughter, greyhound trainer/model Margaret Bolton - greyhound Maxhunter was certainly made to pay its way regularly and not given much time to recover from amputation. Tommy Bolton wanted to reassure that Maxhunter would be retired - Tommy Bolton lied.
Patrick, too, was made to pay his way.
On the 9th December 2016 Patrick was seen on his journey to Spain by Galway SPCA representative on her way to Italy with greyhounds and lurchers being adopted. The concerns raised about Patrick and the other greyhounds he was travelling to Spain with were published on the 14th December 2016.
Despite being registered as owned by the GBGB, Patrick was sold to Spanish buyer Jurado Manuel by Tommy Bolton.
In June 2019 Patrick was handed in to Spanish rescue, Galgo Espanol Swiss - stiff and lame with muscle damage, an ear infection, and his ID/passport paperwork showing the details of past owner, Tommy Bolton, and new owner Jurado Manuel.
The paperwork shows that on the 7th December 2016 Patrick was passed as fit for travel by vets in Mountmellick.
The paperwork shows that on the 7th December 2016 Patrick was passed as fit for travel by vets in Mountmellick.
Patrick was not handed in by Jurado Manuel but by another new owner, who, at the same time, also handed in one of her galgos who was in a horrific condition.
Patrick has a long road to recovery, not just for the physical abuse but for the mental abuse he has suffered - Patrick is shut-down right now but he is in safe hands.
We can only hope that the greyhounds he travelled with to Spain will also find safe hands.
We can only hope that the greyhounds he travelled with to Spain will also find safe hands.
Questions should be asked of the irregularities shown between Patrick's
stud book status and his passport/paperwork.
How can a greyhound registered as owned by the GBGB be sold
by an Irish trainer in Ireland?
How can a greyhound registered as owned by the GBGB be sold
by an Irish trainer in Ireland?
The regulations in place, that are referred to time and time again
by those in the industry to give the public assurances, are abused -
just as the greyhounds, the regulations are meant to protect, are abused.
just as the greyhounds, the regulations are meant to protect, are abused.
This is yet another truth, of many, that the public,
who pay for the survival of the industry, should know.
Just another truth mirrored twenty-five years ago.
who pay for the survival of the industry, should know.
Just another truth mirrored twenty-five years ago.
UPDATE - 30th August.
Greyhound 'Juliet Capulet' is still registered as being owned by Tommy's wife/Margaret's mother Sheila Bolton, despite Juliet Capulet being exported to be used in Spain.
In an interview in 2014 Tommy Bolton did say 'It is a family operation'.